Senin, 03 April 2017

Ticket Price

After you all see the beauty that is in West Java, you would want to go visit West Java. You can get away with using a private car because the distance between Jakarta and Bandung are relatively close, but if you want to use other means of transport, below is a list of ticket and transportation which you can use if you want to go from Jakarta to Bandung :

1.Recommended Flight
2.Recommended Train

Minggu, 02 April 2017

Jaipong Dance "Energetic Dance from West Java"

Jaipongan, also known as Jaipong, is a popular traditional dance of Sundanese People, West Java, Indonesia. The dance was created by Gugum Gumbira, based on traditional Sundanese Ketuk Tilu music and Pencak Silat movements.

Dance Background
In 1961, Indonesian President Sukarno prohibited rock and roll and other western genres of music, and challenged Indonesian musicians to revive the indigenous arts. The name jaipongan came from people mimicking of the sounds created by some of the drums in the ensemble. Audiences were often heard shouting jaipong after specific sections of rhythmic music were played. Jaipongan debuted in 1974 when Gugum Gumbira and his gamelan and dancers first performed in public.
The most widely available album of Jaipongan outside of Indonesia is Tonggeret by singer Idjah Hadidjah and Gugum Gumbira's
Jugala orchestra, released in 1987, and re-released as West Java: Sundanese Jaipong and other Popular Music by Nanesuch/Elektra Records.

Source :
Photographed by Hury Anggoro S

West Java Traditional Song : Manuk Dadali

Manuk Dadali by Sambas Mangundikarta

Mesat ngapung luhur jauh di awang-awang
Meberkeun jangjangna bangun taya karingrang
Kukuna ranggoas reujeung pamatukna ngeluk
Ngapak mega bari hiberna tarik nyuruwuk

Saha anu bisa nyusul kana tandangna
Tandang jeung pertentang taya bandingannana
Dipikagimir dipikaserab ku sasama
Taya karempan kasieun leber wawanenna

Reff :
Manuk dadali manuk panggagahna
Perlambang sakti Indonesia Jaya
Manuk dadali pangkakoncarana
Resep ngahiji rukun sakabehna

Hirup sauyunan tara pahiri-hiri
Silih pikanyaah teu inggis bela pati
Manuk dadali ngandung siloka sinatria
Keur sakumna Bangsa di Nagara Indonesia

West Java Traditional Song : Es Lilin

Es Lilin by NN

Es lilin mah didorong-dorong
dibantun mah dibantun ka Sukajadi
abdi isin dunungan samar kaduga
sok inggis mah aduh henteu ngajadi

Es lilin mah ceuceu buatan Bandung
dicandak mah geuning ka Cipaganti
abdi isin jungjunan duh bararingung
sok inggis mah aduh henteu ngajadi

Itu saha dunungan nu nungtun munding
digantelan geuning ku saputangan
itu saha dunungan ku ginding teuing
sing horeng mah aduh geuning jungjunan

Es lilin mah ceuceu dikalapaan
raosna mah geuningan kabina-bina
abdi alim dunungan paduduaan
sok sieun mah dibantun kamana-mana

Kamana mah geuningan ngaitkeun kincir
ka kaler mah ka kaler katojo bulan
kamana mah dunungan ngaitkeun pikir
moal paler geuningan da ku sabulan

West Java Traditional Song : Cing Cangkeling

Cing Cangkeling by NN

Dengkleung dengdek buah kopi raranggeuyan
Keun anu dewek ulah pati di heureuyan

Cing cangkeling manuk cingkleung cindeten
Plos ka kolong bapak satar buleneng

Kleung dengdek buah kopi rarang geuyan
Keun anu dewek ulah pati di heureuyan

Cing cangkeling manuk cingkleung cindeten
Plos ka kolong bapa satar buleneng


West Java Traditional Song : Bubuy Bulan

Bubuy Bulan by Benny Korda

Bubuy bulan sangray bentang
Panon poe
Panon poe disasate

Unggal bulan
Unggal bulan abdi teang
Unggal poe
Unggal poe oge hade

Situ Ciburuy
laukna hese dipancing
Nyeredet hate
Ningali ngeplak caina

Duh eta saha
Nu ngalangkung unggal enjing
Nyeredet hate
Ningali sorot socana

Sabtu, 01 April 2017

Citambur Waterfall "Amazing Hidden Waterfall in Cianjur"

           Citambur waterfall is located around 40 Km south of Ciwidey. If you are from Bandung, go to the South to Ciwidey. After arriving at Rancabali tea plantation, you will find intersection. Take the road to Sinumbra tea plantation. The trip from Sinumbra tea plantation through Cipelah village, Rancabali sub-district until Karang Jaya village takes around one and a half hour. At Karang Jaya village, you will pass through quite good road. And after that you will pass through rocky and holey roads. Arriving at the office of Karang Jaya village, which is the gateway to Citambur waterfall, you will see parking space, and from this parking space, you have to walk around tens of meters to get to Citambur waterfall.

Photographed by Astri Erlina

          After arriving at the location, besides Citambur waterfall, you can also enjoy the beautiful surrounding area. You cannot stand directly under the waterfall, because the water falling and beating to the ground from 100 meter height will certainly very hard. Usually visitors enjoy the fresh waterfall by playing water at the streaming river which is under Citambur waterfall. If you do not want to get wet, you can enjoy the waterfall at the edge of the river accompanied by the chirping of wild birds and green trees grown in surrounding area.

Source :

Kamis, 30 Maret 2017

Kawah Putih "The Amazing White Crater in Bandung"

Kawah Putih or in English is White Crater is a striking crater lake and tourist spot in a volcanic crater about 50 km south of Bandung in West Java in Indonesia.
Kawah Putih lake (7.10° S 107.24° E) is one of the two craters which make up Mount Patuha, an andesitic stratovolcano (a "composite" volcano). Mt Patuha is one of numerous volcanoes in Java. Kawah Putih crater lake itself represents a relatively stable volcanic system with no records of significant activity since around 1600.
The Kawah Putih site was opened to visitors in 1987. The lake is 2,430 meters above sea level so the local climate is often quite chilly (temperatures are frequently around 10 degrees Celsius). This makes a brisk change from the humidity of the north Java plain and the capital city of Jakarta. Kawah Putih is a sizeable highly acid lake (pH 0.5-1.3) which changes colour from bluish to whitish green, or brown, depending on the concentration of sulfur and the temperature or the oxidation state.The sand and rocks surrounding the lake have been also leached into whitish colours through interaction with the acidic lake waters (with possible mineral precipitation as well).

Source :
Source :
Access to This Place
Access is gained from the left of the main road travelling south by entering the park and proceeding along a 5 km access road. Travel time from the centre of Bandung, depending on traffic in and around Bandung, is perhaps two hours. The turnoff from the main road to Kawah Putih is hard to miss: there is a large signboard to the left of the main road and a prominent entry gate. The entry facilities and the crater location are well-managed by staff from the state-owned forestry firm Perhutani.
The usual arrangement is for visitors to leave their vehicles in a main carpark at the entry to the site and catch one of the regular mini shuttlebuses (leaving every five minutes or so) for the 5 km to the crater. For Indonesian citizens, the cost of entry to the site (October 2011) is Rp 15,000 plus Rp 5,000 for the return minibus ride (total of Rp 20,000, around $US 2.20). Charges for foreign visitors are slightly higher. Visitors who prefer to drive in their own vehicles up to the crater must pay a significantly higher charge (Rp 150,000, or $US 17 per vehicle plus tickets for passengers). Tickets are issued by Perhutani staff and include insurance while at the location.
The main road is the busy road south from Bandung through the town of Soreang, the capital of the Bandung District, continuing down through the crowded Pasir Jambu township. Minibuses ply the route southwards from Bandung and, depending on traffic, can take up to two hours to reach the entrance to the Kawah Putih area. There are many thousands of small market-crop farmers in the fertile valley to the south of Bandung which leads up towards the Kawah Putih area. Local food-crops grown include a wide range of fruits and vegetables. A strawberry industry is well-established in the area and many strawberry farms have fruit for sale along the side of the highway.
Accommodation is available at various hotels in the Patuha area close to the nearby town of Ciwidey and also in Soreang.

Minggu, 26 Maret 2017

History of West Java

The oldest human inhabitant archaeological findings in the region were unearthed in Anyer (the western coast of Java) with evidence of bronze and iron metallurgical culture dating to the first millennium AD. The prehistoric Buni culture (near present-day Bekasi) clay pottery were later developed with evidence found in Anyer to Cirebon. Artefacts (dated from 400 BC — AD 100), such as food and drink containers, were found mostly as burial gifts. There is also archaeological evidence in Batujaya Archaelogical Site dating from the 2nd centur and, according to Dr Tony Djubiantono, the head of Bandung Archaeology Agency, Jiwa Temple in Batujaya, Karawang, West Java was also built around this time.
One of the earliest known recorded history in Indonesia is from the former Tarumanagara kingdom, where seven fourth century stones are inscribed in Wengi letters (used in the Indian Pallava period) and in Sanskrit describing the kings of the kingdom Tarumanagara. Records of Tarumanegara's administration lasted until the sixth century, which coincides with the attack of Srivijaya, as stated in the Kota Kapur inscription.
The Sunda Kingdom subsequently became the ruling power of the region, as recorded on the Kebon Kopi II inscription.
An Ulama, Sunan Gunung Jati, settled in Cirebon, with the intention of spreading the word of Islam in the pagan town. In the meantime, the Sultanate of Demak in central Java grew to an immediate threat against the Sunda kingdom. To defend against the threat, Prabu Surawisesa Jayaperkosa signed a treaty (known as the Luso-Sundanese Treaty) with the Portuguese in 1512. In return, the Portuguese were granted an accession to build fortresses and warehouses in the area, as well as form trading agreements with the kingdom. This first international treaty of West Java with the Europeans was commemorated by the placement of the Padrao stone monument at the bank of the Ciliwung River in 1522.
Although the treaty with the Portuguese had been established, it could not come to realization. Sunda Kalapa harbour fell under the alliance of the Sultanate of Demak and the Sultanate of Cirebon (former vassal state of Sunda kingdom) in 1524, after their troops under Paletehan alias Fadillah Khan had conquered the city. In 1524/1525, their troops under Sunan Gunung Jati also seized the port of Banten and established the Sultanate of Banten which was affiliating with the Sultanate of Demak. The war between the Sunda kingdom with Demak and Cirebon sultanates then continued for five years until a peace treaty were made in 1531 between King Surawisesa and Sunan Gunung Jati. From 1567 to 1579, under the last king Raja Mulya, alias Prabu Surya Kencana, the Sunda kingdom declined, essentially under the pressure from Sultanate of Banten. After 1576, the kingdom could not maintain its capital at Pakuan Pajajaran (the present-day Bogor) and gradually the Sultanate of Banten took over the former Sunda kingdom's region. The Mataram Sultanate from central Java also seized the Priangan region, the southeastern part of the kingdom.
In the sixteenth century, the Dutch and the British trading companies established their trading ships in West Java after the falldown of Sultanate of Banten. For the next three hundred years, West Java fell under the Dutch East Indies' administration. West Java was officially declared as a province of Indonesia in 1950, referring to a statement from Staatblad number 378. On October 17, 2000, as part of nationwide political decentralization, Banten was separated from West Java and made into a new province. There have been recent proposals to rename the province Pasundan ("Land of the Sundanese") after the historical name for West Java.

Rice fields terrace in Priangan highland, West Java in 1926

Minggu, 19 Maret 2017

Cibeureum Waterfall

CIBEUREUM TRIPLE WATERFALLS ERFALLS are composed of the Cikundul ERFALLS falls, Cidendenfalls, and the Cibeureum falls. The tremendous volume of these falls is enough evidence to understand the vital role the Park plays as a watershed of the peripheral areas. “Cibeureum” in Sundanese means “red water”, and this derives from the red moss (Sphagnum gedeanum), a naturally occurring species around the falls. There are toilets and resting areas around the falls, and visited by many groups during the weekends. Please take home any waste or garbage; there are no trash cans in the area.

Fees to the Cibeureum Waterfalls 
Entrance fee: Rp. 20,000.- (Foreigner)
                      Rp. 2,000.- (Domestic)
Insurance fee: Rp. 500.-

- Revenues will be used for maintenance and management of the National Park.
- Domestic rates applicable for foreigners holding a KTP, KITAS

Photographed by Ilham Rusdian

How to go there from Jakarta? 
Actually you need to go to Cibodas Botanical Gardens, then take a different gate if you wanna go to the waterfalls. The waterfalls actually located in National Park of Gede – Pangrango mountain. Some people do go to waterfalls and then picnic in the gardens. The gardens itself is so beautiful. One of my fave place to go

Roti Unyil "Cute Bread From West Java"

      ‘’Roti Unyil’’ is a favorite snack for the children that come from Bogor cities, West Java. Besides from the shape and size that small and cute, this bread also has a lot of sense,such as fruits, milk, honey and other sweet flavors.Moreover, this bread can also be varied with meat andsauce according to your taste. Other than to be sold, thisvariation can be made at home because the ingredientspreparation similar to the others breads. By the flavor, shape and color that so many, the bread is also sold in many other cities, both in the bakery window, and carried around residential early in the morning by a vehicle with a song.

Kujang "West Java Traditional Weapon"

     The kujang is a blade weapon native to the Sundanese people of western Java, Indonesia. The earliest kujang made is from around the 8th or 9th century. It is forged out of iron, steel and pattern welding steel with a length of approximately 20–25 cm and weighs about 300 grams. According to Sanghyang siksakanda ng karesian canto XVII, the kujang was the weapon of farmers and has its roots in agricultural use. It is thought to have originated from its predecessor, a kudi. The kujang is one of the traditional weapons in the Sundanese school of pencak silat. The kujang, like the keris, is a blade of sentimental and spiritual value to the people of Indonesia, who have a vast belief in supernatural powers.

Source : listed

     Characteristics of a kujang includes a cutting edge and other parts such as pepatuk / congo the tip of the blade, eluk / silih the bulging curve at the base of the blade, tadah the inward curve at the belly of the blade, and mata small holes on the blade that are covered with gold or silver. Apart from its unique characteristics that tend to be thin, the material is dry, porous and contains many natural metal elements.

     In Bogor poem as it is spoken by Anis Djatisunda (1996–2000), the kujang has many functions and shapes. Based on functions there are four of them namely, kujang pusaka (symbol of grandeur and safety protection), kujang pakarang (warfare), kujang pangarak (ceremonial), and kujang pamangkas (agricultural tool). As for the shapes, there is the kujang jago (shape of a rooster), kujang ciung (shape of a Javan cochoa bird), kujang kuntul (shape of an egret bird), kujang badak (shape of a rhinoceros), kujang naga (shape of a mythical dragon), and kujang bangkong (shape of a frog). Apart from that there are shapes of the kujang blade that resemble female characters of wayang kulit as a symbol of fertility.


West Java Traditional Clothes

West Javanese (Jawa Barat) Traditional Clothes -The West Java provincial capital Bandung is located in his Province had some tribes, such as the majority of Sundanese and Bedouin are differentiated into Bedouin In Bedouin and Beyond. Follows this is important information regarding.

West Java Custom clothing for men and women:


  • Consists of dress coat with collar neck commonly called the SUIT a COMMITTED.
  • Batik cloth or better known as the free motif. DODOT
  • Trousers are excited with JAS TAKWA
  • Headscarf/BENDO
  • Necklace
  • A keris tucked behind the waist
  • Sandals or slippers
  • The chain nail Tiger or h chain as a COMMITTED COAT ornament


  • Kebaya motifs for embroidery or decoration with plain beads
  • Batik cloth or FABRIC also called KEBAT DILEPE.
  • Belts, the BEUBEUR function is called for mengancangkan fabric KEBAT DILEPE
  • Scarves, commonly called KAREMBONG that serves as a sweetener.
  • Some flower decorations that adorn the top of rocking head as well as a series of jasmine flowers that adorn the bun hair
  • Necklace
  • Footwear/slippers whose color is similar to the color of kebaya

(Photographed by Nanda Hersa)

Sabtu, 11 Maret 2017

Nasi Timbel "Rice Wrapped Inside a Banana Leaf"

Nasi timbel is a hot dish consisting of steamed rice wrapped inside a banana leaf. It is a traditional Sundanese cuisine from West Java. The heat of the hot-cooked rice touches the banana leaf and produces a unique aroma. It is made in ways similar to making lontong; compressed, rolled, and wrapped in banana leaves; it then evolves into a complete dish served with various side dishes such as fried chicken, empal gepuk (fried beef), jambal roti (salted fish), tahu gorengtempe, salted duck egg, sayur asem, with lalab and sambal. Nasi timbel later evolved to nasi bakarIt is one of the foods that must be tested while visiting West Java.

(Image Source :

Selasa, 07 Maret 2017

Julang Ngapak Traditional House With Roofs Shaped Wings

This traditional roof shape is the shape of the roof which widened on both sides of the field, if seen from the direction of the face of his home, roof form so resemble the wings of a bird flapping its wings are the Hornbill. At the height of the roof of scissors that pillar there is functioning technically to prevent water seeping into the roof cover, made from the leaves of reeds or palm leaves and straw roofs are tied with ropes of bamboo to the upper part of the frame of the roof. The form of such roofs can be found in Tasikmalaya Regency (Kampung Naga) and Kampung Dukuh, Kuningan and other places in West Java. One of the buildings that use the model of the roof of this Building is the Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) in Bandung.

Senin, 06 Maret 2017

Unique Mask Dance From Cirebon

Mask dance is a dance which the dancer wearing a mask. The mask has existed in the world since prehistoric times. Widely used in dance as part of ceremonies or retelling ancient stories of the ancestors. It is believed that the mask is closely related to the ancestral spirits are considered to be interpretations of the gods. In some tribes,the mask still adorn the various art activities and daily customs.

( Image Source : )

The classic
 story of Ramayana and the growing standard of stories since hundreds years ago became the main inspiration in the creation of masks in Java. Masks in Javacreated for staging the Ballet tells the story of the classic stories.

Cireng a Suitable Food Eaten While Relaxing

The food is typical of West Java which is a lot of favorable to this is Cireng. Cireng stands for aci digoreng or in English is Fried Flour, it's possible that characterize one more typical foods of West Java in the creativity of his naming shortened.

This West Java specialties made from seasoned tapioca flour and then fried. Ingredients for making this West Java specialties such as tapioca flour, wheat flour, water, salt, pepper, garlic powder, soy bawangm leaves, and cooking oil. Now it's very much a range of and a sense of cireng. If it used to cireng only 1 color and flavor.

Kamis, 02 Maret 2017

West Java Location

West Java is located in the west of Java Island. Coordinates of West Java is 7°30′10″S,111°15′47″E.

West Java Borders :

  • North; Java Sea
  • East; Central Java
  • South; The Indian Ocean
  • West; Banten and DKI Jakarta
North Beach area is lowland. In the middle is the mountains, which is part of the mountain range stretching from West to East Java. Its highest point is Mount Ciremay, which is located to the southwest of the city of Cirebon. The rivers are quite important is the Citarum River and the river Cimanuk, which rises in theJava Sea.