Selasa, 07 Maret 2017

Julang Ngapak Traditional House With Roofs Shaped Wings

This traditional roof shape is the shape of the roof which widened on both sides of the field, if seen from the direction of the face of his home, roof form so resemble the wings of a bird flapping its wings are the Hornbill. At the height of the roof of scissors that pillar there is functioning technically to prevent water seeping into the roof cover, made from the leaves of reeds or palm leaves and straw roofs are tied with ropes of bamboo to the upper part of the frame of the roof. The form of such roofs can be found in Tasikmalaya Regency (Kampung Naga) and Kampung Dukuh, Kuningan and other places in West Java. One of the buildings that use the model of the roof of this Building is the Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) in Bandung.

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